feeling a bit sheepish

the wooly-brained ramblings of a knitter and novice spinner... it may be 'a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing'...but it's mine ;-)

Sunday, March 26, 2006

i've been outed...

here as a crack bunny fiber addict user afficianado ;o)

and it's all true lol


  • At March 30, 2006 3:17 PM, Blogger Peacock said…

    Haha! that's great. :)

    yummy bunny fiber!

    not to be spun during hot sweaty weather because it will matt and stick to your hands. ewww.

    Yummy bunny fiber!!

  • At March 30, 2006 3:36 PM, Blogger laurie said…

    lol i seem to recall having the same problem with alpaca...there are plusses (this among them) to having central air ;o)

    i'd like to take a pic of it but am a wee bit skeered of it deciding to go a-wandering all over the place!

  • At March 31, 2006 12:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hiya Laurie!

    I can't seem to get an email off this island (Okinawa) because my outgoing smpt is incorrect (go figure) so I have to call Kate's local cable provider and get the right numbers. i thought it odd that I had 5 or 6 'sent' emails in the 'unsent' file. ah phooey.

    So here I am in your comments because I can get a message to you this way for now. I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your last post and I cannot believe you finished that incredible sweater. I am green with envy. What a talent!

    Yes, there's a new spindle. I'll post a pic tomorrow (or later). I bought it from Tracy Eicheim at Wooly Designs http://www.woollydesigns.com/ He designed a Comet just for me...I wanted the spindle to be a full 12" long under the whorl. Gorgeous! Incredible price. Handmade just for me at the time I ordered it. Zow. I'm going back for one of the fancies now...

    I brought a rainbow's worth of handpainted bfl with me (about 4oz) and am spinning it super skinny. Not sure if I'll 2ply, Navajo (it'd still only be fingering and sockweight respectively) or just leave it laceweight and use it for something fancy. This one's mine. Mine, do you hear me? MINE! (Or maybe I'll post if in the shop when I get home. No telling.)

    Big hugs, more chat once I get the email working!
    Katy sends her love too...


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